EMP Shield For Your Car, House and Generator

I wired my own house 30 years ago but I'm not an electrician..... :)
It would seem to make some sense to have some protection built into the grid itself that could protect clients down stream but it all seems pretty patchwork in many parts of North America.

Maybe to put your mind a bit at ease - about 30 miles of high voltage line was replaced between here to town - I noticed there is a "suppressor" - perhaps every mile or so - maybe like the devices that we had in the feeder cables going underground at the mine that I worked at - hooked to largish ground wire that runs up that pole - acts as insulator up to specific voltage and then "breaks over" into a conductor when specific voltage exceeded - idea is to bleed excess voltage from lightning strike on the hydro line, to ground, so that you do not see much change in voltage in your house. I also have a whole house "suppressor" installed - apparently will "bleed off" excessive line voltage to ground. A neighbour lost fridge and stove and washing machine to a "power bump" - utility company did replace his appliances, but was several weeks to do so.

I live in Manitoba now - I worked at that mine in Saskatchewan as electrician in 1980's / 1990's - so utility in Manitoba (now) and Saskatchewan (then) know how to do that - no clue what rest of North America does.

Is much confusion in posts above between an Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) and a voltage surge (supposed to have 120/240 volts in house - goes to 500/1000 volts or similar). As I understand them, need or want to bleed excess energy to ground - to maintain close to nominal voltages.
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It seems the way things are headed, the likelihood that we may experience a emp style scenario is allot higher than say…. I don’t know… getting taken out by a “flu”. If it has a 25% chance of protecting your home or car, in an emp it’s way more effective than say…. Uh.. something that’s “safe and effective”.

It’s not like emp shield helped create the threat of nuclear emps in their lab. It’s not as if they bought off evil politicians to lie an manipulate you to force you to buy one. If the emp shield does not work, oh well. Not like it’s going to cause heart defects, strokes and birth defects. I’m going to guess that most if not all of the people that crap on these types of products were at the front of the line buying into the other product I hinted to.

I like the way you think, can I please add.you to my friends list :) lol
A Faraday cage will do it 100%, and that's about it.

The reason being that a EMPs creates free electron waves, similar to radio waves, that are amplified as they travel down to the surface of the earth and affect anything with enough wire to conduct it. That obviously means the power grid will act like a giant antenna and conduct a huge amount of current and voltage into your home. This is similar to a lightning strike and what this product claims to prevent. This is where the huge voltage and current come into effect, essentially a huge power surge cooking the grid and the wiring in your house. This product claims to redirect this power surge to ground and bypass all of the solid state electronics in your home. As previously commented, 5000 amps (hypothetically) will not be redirected "shunted" through 14g wire and the electronics within the brain to bypass your house. The fact that it claims to protect a car, which is essentially a closed system, is laughable. You cannot redirect that much juice short of spending much much more money on an inline system controlling a hypersensitive main breaker on your home to physically open the circuit and prevent the wave of electricity from making it through. Think of a giant surge protector placed in line before your main panel. I don't know if such a system exists, it more than likely does, but I'll never be able to afford it. And FYI even surge protectors rated for lightning strikes are not quick enough to counter an EMP.

I'm sure the military testing facility that's signed off on their claims has simply vetted the system to prove shunting ability up to a billionth of a second, or whatever they claimed. That is very reasonable and plausible in lab conditions, but in actual application on a household system it's irrelevant because you cannot redirect that large and fast of a power surge to ground without isolating the system as a whole, which this system does not, and your main breaker will be too slow.

However, the real reason I call it snake oil, is because the grid is not the only way that surge of electricity is going to affect you. As stated, that pulse travels as a wave from the blast to the surface. It doesn't only fall on the power grid, but everything within visual sight of the blast. Those same waves that are being picked up by high voltage lines and blowing up transformers and then eventually making it to your home are already making it to your home much like radio waves and your 5G cellphone service. They reach everything, through the ceiling, through the walls, even to the computer in your Tesla. And anything with enough internal wiring and solid state electronics will conduct enough of this wave to fry. The microprocessors and filament wire that make up your TV, cellphone, coffee maker, dryer, computer, Google Home, will all be susceptible - to a degree.

Because this is all "hypothetical" we won't know until it happens. Do you have a tin roof or live in a concrete building? That may help. How far away are you from the blast? How strong is the nuke that caused the EMP? All important factors. But, if you're close enough to the origin of the blast and it's large enough, because why wouldn't it be if it were an act of war, then you should expect all modern electronics to fry simply from the wave and not from the pulse accumulated through the power grid.

This doesn't apply to "dumb" electronic devices like a basic generator or your old washer/dryer with turny knobs and no computer controlling it, or some of your pre 80s cars, or even a very basic solar power system that isn't computer controlled.

I don't know what the military has implemented, but I suspect in a true weaponized EMP event a huge portion of it would also be terribly affected. Anything with microchips and mini capacitors and microfilament wire will be hugely susceptible to the wave unless it's been internally or externally shielded, which is more than likely the case in tanks and fighter jets and other field hardened tools, but probably not in many datacenters and cellphones and laptops and communication systems and other support systems. And maybe not, maybe the only stuff that will survive is that which is stored indoors and in bunkers at the time of the blast.

Right on the money.
My post was not so much about the vax as it was about the hypocrites that post on this website. Just a simple reminder about how many of you embraced a 100% scam that will affect your health and may lead to your exit from this world, yet you will jump over products offered that may or make a positive difference in the world we are headed into, calling it things like snake oil. Give your head a shake. You bought into 100% snake oil yet now feel the need to label
Others because you don’t understand what they are selling. You should go
Back to getting slapped around in off topics .
Covid was new and fast moving. Based on the information available at the time, which was mainly propaganda and racially tilted lies, and the strong urge from "medical professionals" getting rich from big pharma, many people did what they thought was right and got injected. Many people were coerced by their employers, loved ones, and the government. Many people still think it was the right thing to do.

EMP theory is not new. There is plenty of information out there that's been accumulated since the 80s. Since before we lived our lives on computer technology.

It's readily acknowledged that unplugging your electronics will NOT help them survive an EMP, and because you claim to be so full of common sense, if not tact, try using some of it and come to the only reasonable conclusion.

If UNPLUGGING your electronics WILL NOT SAVE THEM, then how could PLUGGING THEM IN with this MAGIC BOX save them?

You are obviously confusing "live and learn" for cynicism.
Maybe to put your mind a bit at ease - about 30 miles of high voltage line was replaced between here to town - I noticed there is a "suppressor" - perhaps every mile or so - maybe like the devices that we had in the feeder cables going underground at the mine that I worked at - hooked to largish ground wire that runs up that pole - acts as insulator up to specific voltage and then "breaks over" into a conductor when specific voltage exceeded - idea is to bleed excess voltage from lightning strike on the hydro line, to ground, so that you do not see much change in voltage in your house. I also have a whole house "suppressor" installed - apparently will "bleed off" excessive line voltage to ground. A neighbour lost fridge and stove and washing machine to a "power bump" - utility company did replace his appliances, but was several weeks to do so.

I live in Manitoba now - I worked at that mine in Saskatchewan as electrician in 1980's / 1990's - so utility in Manitoba (now) and Saskatchewan (then) know how to do that - no clue what rest of North America does.

Is much confusion in posts above between an Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) and a voltage surge (supposed to have 120/240 volts in house - goes to 500/1000 volts or similar). As I understand them, need or want to bleed excess energy to ground - to maintain close to nominal voltages.

Thanks for the insight Potashminer, the guys talking about their emt protector said that a lightning strike would be protected but that it would also wreck the unit, what your descriing sounds more robust for electrical strikes. We don't get many strikes here to the power lines that I'm aware of. Typically the lightning stikes trees on mountain sides.
A Faraday cage will do it 100%, and that's about it.

The reason being that a EMPs creates free electron waves, similar to radio waves, that are amplified as they travel down to the surface of the earth and affect anything with enough wire to conduct it. That obviously means the power grid will act like a giant antenna and conduct a huge amount of current and voltage into your home. This is similar to a lightning strike and what this product claims to prevent. This is where the huge voltage and current come into effect, essentially a huge power surge cooking the grid and the wiring in your house. This product claims to redirect this power surge to ground and bypass all of the solid state electronics in your home. As previously commented, 5000 amps (hypothetically) will not be redirected "shunted" through 14g wire and the electronics within the brain to bypass your house. The fact that it claims to protect a car, which is essentially a closed system, is laughable. You cannot redirect that much juice short of spending much much more money on an inline system controlling a hypersensitive main breaker on your home to physically open the circuit and prevent the wave of electricity from making it through. Think of a giant surge protector placed in line before your main panel. I don't know if such a system exists, it more than likely does, but I'll never be able to afford it. And FYI even surge protectors rated for lightning strikes are not quick enough to counter an EMP.

I'm sure the military testing facility that's signed off on their claims has simply vetted the system to prove shunting ability up to a billionth of a second, or whatever they claimed. That is very reasonable and plausible in lab conditions, but in actual application on a household system it's irrelevant because you cannot redirect that large and fast of a power surge to ground without isolating the system as a whole, which this system does not, and your main breaker will be too slow.

However, the real reason I call it snake oil, is because the grid is not the only way that surge of electricity is going to affect you. As stated, that pulse travels as a wave from the blast to the surface. It doesn't only fall on the power grid, but everything within visual sight of the blast. Those same waves that are being picked up by high voltage lines and blowing up transformers and then eventually making it to your home are already making it to your home much like radio waves and your 5G cellphone service. They reach everything, through the ceiling, through the walls, even to the computer in your Tesla. And anything with enough internal wiring and solid state electronics will conduct enough of this wave to fry. The microprocessors and filament wire that make up your TV, cellphone, coffee maker, dryer, computer, Google Home, will all be susceptible - to a degree.

Because this is all "hypothetical" we won't know until it happens. Do you have a tin roof or live in a concrete building? That may help. How far away are you from the blast? How strong is the nuke that caused the EMP? All important factors. But, if you're close enough to the origin of the blast and it's large enough, because why wouldn't it be if it were an act of war, then you should expect all modern electronics to fry simply from the wave and not from the pulse accumulated through the power grid.

This doesn't apply to "dumb" electronic devices like a basic generator or your old washer/dryer with turny knobs and no computer controlling it, or some of your pre 80s cars, or even a very basic solar power system that isn't computer controlled.

I don't know what the military has implemented, but I suspect in a true weaponized EMP event a huge portion of it would also be terribly affected. Anything with microchips and mini capacitors and microfilament wire will be hugely susceptible to the wave unless it's been internally or externally shielded, which is more than likely the case in tanks and fighter jets and other field hardened tools, but probably not in many datacenters and cellphones and laptops and communication systems and other support systems. And maybe not, maybe the only stuff that will survive is that which is stored indoors and in bunkers at the time of the blast.

Thanks Mopar Guy, I was wondering about the metal roof as well... :) I sure hope we can figure out a way to get along in the near future and avoid the military possiblilty of such an event happening, I heard late yesterday that the US had fired an unarmed ICBM into the pacific in what sounded like an effort to flex against the latest UFO shot down in the Yukon.

Strange times.
tHe DeFenSIvE AlLiAnCe Is BuLLyInG Me WhILe I Am TrYinG to PiCk oN sOmEoNE.

The analogy fits, NATO is the rich highschool jock with the cheerleader girlfriend, and Russia is the bully who gets cigarettes put out on him at night by his dad.

lol The only thing the west should be concerned about is why we (the west) haven't nuked Russia out of it's misery yet.
Aids ridden, apocalyptic, krokodil addicted, gas station. It would be a kindness to the average Russian at this point.
At least the ones who died doing human wave attacks in Ukraine never have to see that ####hole they came from ever again, maybe thier sisters got lucky too and got sold in seacans to Saudi princes so they could buy their mobilized sons body armour. The only ones who still have to suffer an existence in the motherland are the parents with a new deathmoney lada.

if NATO ever decided to go up against Russia,they would get their a$$ handed to them,,you know China and North Korea would happily side with Russia,and then that's it for us,LOL.,,a lot of the crap we keep hearing about Russian forces being in such bad shape,seems to be debunked by people who ACTUALLY live there,i would think THEIR version might be a bit more accurate,specialy since it wasn't long ago that Zelinsky was considered a war criminal and crimes against his OWN citizens,again from people who ARE there.now he's man of the year,LOL.He's laughing all the way to the bank,with all the money and military equipment idiot NATO countries are sending him,funny enough,a lot of it in winding up in other countries that dont exactly like us,so basically he is DISARMING NATO,all on his own,pretty soon he'll have more equipment that we do,we'll be praticaly defensless,and you want NATO to take on Russia.,LOL.nothing good would come of that.not to mention,nobody has any clue what weapons Russia REALLY has,those guys have never been to forthcoming with their stuff,
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