CSAAA Resignation, Ryan Harriman

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Somethings I can't discuss due to NDA's but I think most of this should be OK. I knew there was a contract to assist dealers with inventory and if you read my second post I think it explains why there was and what it was for, not the lies the gov't told this morning. I've never heard of it called "1st step towards buyback". If it was officially called that I would be even more upset than I am today.

There are 13 people on the CSAAA board I believe and only a few of them make up the executive of the board. The rest are directors at large.

Wes stated in the video that it was a unanimous decision to accept a deal with the government.

Ryan, can you tell me if it was the executive only that made that unanimous decision Wes mentioned or all 13 people on the CSAAA board?
I just watched the round table video from CSAAA. Some big red flags contradicting the OP statement.... that Wes fella thru the board under the bus!

If you want to ask me something stop by and ask…or message me your number….we’re chatted enough times at the store…I’m out with my family at the moment.
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Wes stated in the video that it was a unanimous decision to accept a deal with the government.

Ryan, can you tell me if it was the executive only that made that unanimous decision Wes mentioned or all 13 people on the CSAAA board?

As Wes pointed out in the video everyone voted for accepting it from the briefing he gave us. Except for the executive members no one saw or has seen the contract, we went by the briefing we were given. We were also told the CCFR, CSSA and NFA were briefed before hand and were fully on board with the dealer portion of the buy back and the contract. What I saw at the liberal briefing and in interviews after is not fully in line with what I was briefed and voted on in my opinion. I believe the CFFR also stated this in the zoom round table which is why they withdrew their support. I have resigned and so has Matt Hipwell of Wolverine.

I still feel there needs to be some sort of compensation package but in hind sight things should have been handled differently in almost every aspect. I know there is a lot of hate for the CSAAA at the moment but remember the non executive members spend 20-30 mins a month in a monthly zoom call. Each volunteers their time to help at events, be in committees, etc.
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As Wes pointed out in the video everyone voted for accepting it from the briefing he gave us. Except for the executive members no one saw or has seen the contract, we went by the briefing we were given. We were also told the CCFR, CSSA and NFA were briefed before hand and were fully on board with the dealer portion of the buy back and the contract. What I saw at the liberal briefing and after is not totally in line with what I was briefed and voted on in my opinion. I believe the CFFR also stated this in the zoom round table which is why they withdrew their support. I have resigned and so has Matt Hipwell of Wolverine. Everyone wants to see the actual contract now.

Thanks for the explanation. It appears the briefing given to CSAAA members and the 3 associations was very short on details.

I’m quite surprised that the CSAAA accepted signing an NDA agreement forcing it to not give out details but the government wasn’t forced to the same rules of that NDA allowing them to spin certain details that makes them look good and the CSAAA the opposite.
If you want to ask me something stop by and ask…or message me your number….we’re chatted enough times at the store…I’m out with my family at the moment.

I appreciate the offer to chat. I'm sure we will because I've always loved coming to your store. I commend your resignation, and apologize if I've pressed to hard. I'm just trying to make sense of whats happening and am beyond frustrated with this government. You owe us no more explanation. All the best.
I appreciate the offer to chat. I'm sure we will because I've always loved coming to your store. I commend your resignation, and apologize if I've pressed to hard. I'm just trying to make sense of whats happening and am beyond frustrated with this government. You owe us no more explanation. All the best.

I am too…as well as many things right now. Message me your number if you want.
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I’m locking this for the night. Lots of people are being polite, others extremely rude and some people are being trolls. Maybe it’s because it’s late Friday night, I don’t know. I’m always up to having a productive polite chat with anyone, on here or on the phone. I’ve messaged numerous people who have posted in here asking if they would like to chat on the phone. A few have exception, some have declined and others haven’t answered. Many people have some valid points, prospectives/ideas I had never thought of etc.

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