10 Round AIA Enfield/M14 Magazines.

Companies ran out an sourced AR mags. One Even produced their own 10 round Pistol mag.

You would think someone would get on this over the last 3 years and get it done. You would sell 1000's of them. Hell, I would even go out and buy 5 or 10 M305s if I could use 'New' and 'Improved' AIA Mags.

5 rounds of .308 suck....10 or more would be heaven.
wait, legal 10 rounders in M14s?

Where was I when this happened?

I took 1 magazine looked at it went hmm this looks almost the same wonder if it will fit. I had the AIA first then I just stuck it in and went hey it does work...

The AIA has no guide rod hole which helps hold the magazine in the mag well in the M14. It also has a cut in the back at a 45 degree angle and is slightly smaller were the metal catch on the back. It was to help hold it in and to make it fit the AIA rifle better. So it was designed and manufactured for the AIA rifle only. 1 company was going to get a company to make them but Sandy came along and destroyed the company so 1 AIA magazine was lost because of it. They needed an orginal magazine to make it exactly the same and only for the AIA rifle. It might of worked in a M14 as well but it wasn't designed or manufactured to. With the XCR magazines they actually made them the same but made a pistol one and a rifle one.

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Got a email from marstar after a query on buying an AIA rifle and was told "more mags later this year".
I can live with that ;)
Thanx John and crew, you guys continue to rock it like no one else in the industry :rockOn:

Ditto! If AIA mags hit the shores here with Marstar, I WILL BE BUYING THEM!!!

Thank you Marstar for always looking out for your customers!!!

Ditto! If AIA mags hit the shores here with Marstar, I WILL BE BUYING THEM!!!

Thank you Marstar for always looking out for your customers!!!


Jeepers, how old was that quoted post LOL
It's been "awhile" and still no email from marstar.
Wish someone there could let us know if more mags or rifles for that matter, are coming for sure or if it's just a "maybe stay tuned"
John? Frank? :D :D
When I asked them about an extra mag for my AIA a couple months ago, they said they weren't getting anymore anything AIA. I'm hoping somebody goes 3rd party with this, there's definitely a market for it. Otherwise I'm afraid were SOL
When I asked them about an extra mag for my AIA a couple months ago, they said they weren't getting anymore anything AIA. I'm hoping somebody goes 3rd party with this, there's definitely a market for it. Otherwise I'm afraid were SOL

Trying to get the contact to buy Direct from Australia is a huge pain in the rear apparently the magazines are 90 austrailian before shipping so they're not cheap and they can't keep up with local demand.... Plus the price went way up too....
Trying to get the contact to buy Direct from Australia is a huge pain in the rear apparently the magazines are 90 austrailian before shipping so they're not cheap and they can't keep up with local demand.... Plus the price went way up too....

Well 90 australian is like 85 canadian. If we get the mags for 100 a piece its still less than half the price of those on the EE. But I would prefer these at the less than 50 mark lol.
looking at this another way, if m14 mags fit the AIA rifle , why doesn't a company sell 10 rnd m14 mags as AIA mags ?
maybe a new floor plate that says for the AIA rifle, and If it happens to fit an M14 will what a surprise!
looking at this another way, if m14 mags fit the AIA rifle , why doesn't a company sell 10 rnd m14 mags as AIA mags ?
maybe a new floor plate that says for the AIA rifle, and If it happens to fit an M14 will what a surprise!

Because they're designed and manufactured for both and would be 5 only. The magazine is differen't in 2 ways no guide rod hole and 2 the back notch is a little smaller and has a 45 degree angle on it. As for 20 rounds if you read the law it says a Lee Enfield rifle can't be over 10 rounds meaning since it's sort of the same rifle to bad so sad.
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Because they're designed and manufactured for both and would be 10 only. The magazine is differen't in 2 ways no guide rod hole and 2 the back notch is a little smaller and has a 45 degree angle on it. As for 20 rounds if you read the law it says a Lee Enfield rifle can't be over 10 rounds meaning since it's sort of the same rifle to bad so sad.
I'm not sure if what you say is 100% correct. Example the Indian Ishapore 7.62 NATO calibre version of the Lee Enfield rifle. Apparently it can accept up to twelve rounds in the magazine and I've yet to hear of Canadian gun regulations connected to it's full capacity.
As for 20 rounds if you read the law it says a Lee Enfield rifle can't be over 10 rounds meaning since it's sort of the same rifle to bad so sad.

I have not read that part of law that singles out some bolt action rifles for mag limits. Is this a new change? I would like to read this law...
I have not read that part of law that singles out some bolt action rifles for mag limits. Is this a new change? I would like to read this law...

It's not new it's in there because of the 25 round bren magazines that were also for the lee enfield so they put it in the law because people said well I'll just adapt my gun to fit it.

Former Prohibited Weapons Order, No. 9

1. Any electrical or mechanical device that is designed or adapted to operate the trigger mechanism of a semi-automatic firearm for the purpose of causing the firearm to discharge cartridges in rapid succession.

2. Any rifle, shotgun or carbine stock of the type known as the “bull-pup” design, being a stock that, when combined with a firearm, reduces the overall length of the firearm such that a substantial part of the reloading action or the magazine-well is located behind the trigger of the firearm when it is held in the normal firing position.

Former Cartridge Magazine Control Regulations

3. (1) Any cartridge magazine

(a) that is capable of containing more than five cartridges of the type for which the magazine was originally designed and that is designed or manufactured for use in

(i) a semi-automatic handgun that is not commonly available in Canada,

(ii) a semi-automatic firearm other than a semi-automatic handgun,

(iii) an automatic firearm whether or not it has been altered to discharge only one projectile with one pressure of the trigger,

(iv) the firearms of the designs commonly known as the Ingram M10 and M11 pistols, and any variants or modified versions of them, including the Cobray M10 and M11 pistols, the RPB M10, M11 and SM11 pistols and the SWD M10, M11, SM10 and SM11 pistols,

(v) the firearm of the design commonly known as the Partisan Avenger Auto Pistol, and any variant or modified version of it, or

(vi) the firearm of the design commonly known as the UZI pistol, and any variant or modified version of it, including the Micro-UZI pistol; or

(b) that is capable of containing more than 10 cartridges of the type for which the magazine was originally designed and that is designed or manufactured for use in a semi-automatic handgun that is commonly available in Canada.

(2) Paragraph (1)(a) does not include any cartridge magazine that

(a) was originally designed or manufactured for use in a firearm that

(i) is chambered for, or designed to use, rimfire cartridges,

(ii) is a rifle of the type commonly known as the “Lee Enfield” rifle, where the magazine is capable of containing not more than 10 cartridges of the type for which the magazine was originally designed, or

(iii) is commonly known as the U.S. Rifle M1 (Garand) including the Beretta M1 Garand rifle, the Breda M1 Garand rifle and the Springfield Armoury M1 Garand rifle;

Hope that clears this up.

It's not new it's in there because of the 25 round bren magazines that were also for the lee enfield so they put it in the law because people said well I'll just adapt my gun to fit it.

The simple fact that you refer to it as a "Bren" mag should indicate that it was "designed for" an autoloading gun, not a bolter.
BTW, the Bren mag holds 30, but is recommended to hold 28.
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