
I'd definitely pick one of those up, even at $1000. I'd just have to think harder beforehand at that price point.
I would buy it even with Pinocchio style barrel. But I would prefer 106 mm.

That would make it a little easier to accept... but I just don't see it happening.

If they come with the 120mm barrel it isn't difficult or expensive for a gunsmith to chop it back to 106mm. Shouldn't be necessary, I know, but if you want the gun it isn't a massive problem to overcome.

If they come with the 120mm barrel it isn't difficult or expensive for a gunsmith to chop it back to 106mm. Shouldn't be necessary, I know, but if you want the gun it isn't a massive problem to overcome.


We'll I can't say you didn't make a valid point, but I rather not if it can be avoided. Thanks for the suggestion, I really hadn't considered it, what was I thinking!;)
Hadn't considered chopping the 120mm myself. I could go for that too. Either way, one question remains. When can I get one?
Do you have a picture of the mags that will come with this pistol? Are they regular mags pinned to 10 or are they shortened version? thanks.
Too bad 9mm Major is a dead concept, this looks like it'd be a great pistol to run that way.

Did you ever find out what the modifications to the trigger and firing pin amount to? (Re: Post #40)
I am very excited about this pistol. First, it is a very unique pistol and
second since it is a military pistol designed for super-hot loads, it is a lot stronger than it really needs to be,
I like my pistols over engendered for added safety and peace of mind :)

But this only if we get the military model and not the civilian one which is yet to be seen.
Do you have a picture of the mags that will come with this pistol? Are they regular mags pinned to 10 or are they shortened version? thanks.

Back in one of the threads Ben said they were standard capacity mags blocked with a spacer under the follower (or on the follower, don't remember for sure).

Back in one of the threads Ben said they were standard capacity mags blocked with a spacer under the follower (or on the follower, don't remember for sure).


thanks. i think he said this about viking pistols. Will yo ubuy GSH if they ever make it into canada? I have been drooling over pictures of this pistol :) of course it all depend on what we will be getting in this pistol.
thanks. i think he said this about viking pistols. Will yo ubuy GSH if they ever make it into canada? I have been drooling over pictures of this pistol :) of course it all depend on what we will be getting in this pistol.

I believe Ben said it would be the same on the GSH-18. I had been holding out to get one of these, but bought a G19 from Dlask last month because it seems like the delays are never ending from the Tula end of things. If these ever come in I will go have a look at one and see how it feels in my hands, then decide from there.

I have tried glocks, like them very much, but i am one of those people for whom glocks don't point naturally, they point up for me, nothing i could not correct with practice but why bother when all the CZs, GPs, and Tokarevs point completely intuitively for me. It seems like GSh will be similar in ergonomics.
Strike One delivery is postponed until January. We will have a separate thread for it shortly.

GSh-18 update - we have got new price offer from the factory over the phone last night. Official contract to be signed shortly. We will import limited quantity of GSh-18 due to high cost and see how it moves...
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