PAL Wait Time

Mailed from Toronto: May 23rd
Received by RCMP: May 27th
Showed up in system and credit card billed: Jun 23rd

I called them and they said they were about 5 weeks behind and were processing things sent in the week of May 26th this week.
Application for PAL/RPAL
-May 26 Received in Miramichi
-June 20 Credit card billed.
-June 23 Called today and was told my application has everything they need, and one of my references needs to call in. I should call in next week, once the interview has been done.
-June 23 Reference calls in, 2 minute interview of the normal questions
Current Status: Your application has completed initial processing. It is now in progress. Please check the status again at a later date.

I hope I get it quickly, like other guys that had a similar process.
holly chemolly how many threads like this do we need guys.... just freaking wait and it will come

I don't understand your complaint, its a "PAL wait time" titled thread.

"Just freaking wait"? oh, ok. lol

I took my course in the beginning of February, sent it away and was received on the 24th of February.

4 months less a day I got my 1st time RPAL/PAL. Now that's not a big deal, but when like half the people who took the course with me got theirs in less then half the time, I find that a little confusing. No logical reason it should take that long for one person and not another. I'm sure if I got pulled over by a Cop he could have pulled up all my info in under a min, and I don't have to pay him $80 to do it.

I understand backlog, but if the backlog gets too much, hire staff and get the job done. If revenue Canada calls me up and says my taxes were filled incorrectly and I owe them money, can I tell them I'm too busy and "Just freaking wait" till I get around to it?

I also think the system is backwards. You should apply for a PAL or RPAL, then if your approved you take a course or challenge a test. Not only would it save you money if you didn't get approved, but what you learn will stay fresh.

Lets not forget that we pay a good amount of money for this service. Not the type of money you pay and should have to wait 3,4,5,6,7,8 months or more for service. Not to mention the variation in wait time. I would greatly appreciate an explanation on that, not that I'd ever expect one.

About once a month I hear about another drunk driver who killed someone, far more then I hear about gun crimes. Yet I can get a drivers license in 15 mins if I pass the test, hit the liquor store down the street and be a serious threat to public safety. And no one questions the drivers license process. Some nut job uses his gun to kill people and you hear "should psych evaluations be required to get a PAL?"

Rant over. 4 months IMO is BS, and like everyone else, this is our only place to b1tch about it, lol. I complained to a 'friend' of mine and he said "And you want a gun", like I was unstable or something, cause I'm not happy about waiting 2+ months more then Joe Blow. Its the common reaction that if your anxious to get your PAL/RPAL you should be ashamed, or unsafe or something. I've always had an interest in firearms, finally did the requirements, paid in full, yet get treated like a prisoner applying for parole or something. Like my time doesn't matter. "Shut up and wait".

Theres a mandatory waiting period, anything reasonable after that is unacceptable IMO. No reason your file should sit in limbo for 28 days.

Ok, now rant over.
I don't understand your complaint, its a "PAL wait time" titled thread.

"Just freaking wait"? oh, ok. lol

I took my course in the beginning of February, sent it away and was received on the 24th of February.

4 months less a day I got my 1st time RPAL/PAL. Now that's not a big deal, but when like half the people who took the course with me got theirs in less then half the time, I find that a little confusing. No logical reason it should take that long for one person and not another. I'm sure if I got pulled over by a Cop he could have pulled up all my info in under a min, and I don't have to pay him $80 to do it.

I understand backlog, but if the backlog gets too much, hire staff and get the job done. If revenue Canada calls me up and says my taxes were filled incorrectly and I owe them money, can I tell them I'm too busy and "Just freaking wait" till I get around to it?

I also think the system is backwards. You should apply for a PAL or RPAL, then if your approved you take a course or challenge a test. Not only would it save you money if you didn't get approved, but what you learn will stay fresh.

Lets not forget that we pay a good amount of money for this service. Not the type of money you pay and should have to wait 3,4,5,6,7,8 months or more for service. Not to mention the variation in wait time. I would greatly appreciate an explanation on that, not that I'd ever expect one.

About once a month I hear about another drunk driver who killed someone, far more then I hear about gun crimes. Yet I can get a drivers license in 15 mins if I pass the test, hit the liquor store down the street and be a serious threat to public safety. And no one questions the drivers license process. Some nut job uses his gun to kill people and you hear "should psych evaluations be required to get a PAL?"

Rant over. 4 months IMO is BS, and like everyone else, this is our only place to b1tch about it, lol. I complained to a 'friend' of mine and he said "And you want a gun", like I was unstable or something, cause I'm not happy about waiting 2+ months more then Joe Blow. Its the common reaction that if your anxious to get your PAL/RPAL you should be ashamed, or unsafe or something. I've always had an interest in firearms, finally did the requirements, paid in full, yet get treated like a prisoner applying for parole or something. Like my time doesn't matter. "Shut up and wait".

Theres a mandatory waiting period, anything reasonable after that is unacceptable IMO. No reason your file should sit in limbo for 28 days.

Ok, now rant over.

I completely agree. I never bothered responding to the guy you quoted, but you took the words out of my mouth. This should not take so long. It should be like you say, and take about as long as a passport. There's no good excuse.
I've been waiting for well over a year for a decision to my RPAL application and it's been sitting with the CFO since last year, I haven't heard from him since november. left him voicemail since then, i have yet to receive a call back from him.

Application Received on: 2013/04/15

Current Status: Your application has completed initial processing. It is now in progress. Please check the status again at a later date.
I've been waiting for well over a year for a decision to my RPAL application and it's been sitting with the CFO since last year, I haven't heard from him since november. left him voicemail since then, i have yet to receive a call back from him.

Application Received on: 2013/04/15

Current Status: Your application has completed initial processing. It is now in progress. Please check the status again at a later date.

Now thats absurd. I read about someones application taking so long that they finally contacted their MLA I think. That got the ball rolling in a hurry and they got a call back within the week. Turned out one of their references used a different name then what was on their birth certificate. Like their name was Robert, but they put Rob, something like that. Yet it was enough to get their application put in limbo.

I would imagine there is something like that, thats holding up your application. Have you tried just talking to the CFC people? I called the CFO a bunch of times and only got through once. That was like the second time I called ironically. Try calling early in the morning.

I would go the political route myself. I'll try to find the thread for you.
my question is, well two of them really, my PAL has been at the BC cfo for a bit now, the lady i spoke with back east did a quick back ground check while i was on the phone and said there is nothing that would prevent a PAL being issued, so how long is the norm for bc cfo, also, i keep reading about how people contact the cfo in bc directly, all the numbers i find are the 1800 now that take me back east, anyone know the number?
@PlayDoh, I think the process of getting permission to own a firearm is purposely made to be a "jump through the hoops" obstacle course. they don't want people owning firearms, so it's purposely made inefficient and time consuming. just looks how much of a pain it is to own a restricted. which I don't personally want because of all of that BS. there is no fun left to be had. :( I don't want to have to be a member of a range. nor do i want all the hassle for travelling with it. I know many of you have your RPAL because you recognise this, and have a well 2 can play at this game attitude. I commend you that do. but that's not for me.

Personally, I have applied for a normal PAL and:
Application Received on: 2014/04/*
Current Status: Your application has completed initial processing. It is now in progress. Please check the status again at a later date.

I want to call in and inquire as to what's taking so long myself. But I don't want to seem overly anxious about it, and I already called once to ensure that my application was accurate. what would you guys do? wait a bit longer? or give em a call, and if you are, what would you say to them on the phone?
Yessah! time for me to go shopping

Yeah quoting my own post loll
From the 17 of Jan 2014 to the 4th of july 2014 is the time my regular PAL lasted cause at the later date i sent for my R so if any of you thinks *Nah i don't really need a restricted license* you are so wrong lol. Sooner or later you will send for the other one. Hoping to get myself a German Sig P226 when it gets here (depending on the budget)
Personally, I have applied for a normal PAL and:
Application Received on: 2014/04/*
Current Status: Your application has completed initial processing. It is now in progress. Please check the status again at a later date.

I want to call in and inquire as to what's taking so long myself. But I don't want to seem overly anxious about it, and I already called once to ensure that my application was accurate. what would you guys do? wait a bit longer? or give em a call, and if you are, what would you say to them on the phone?

Dude, they've had your app since April and their turnaround time is quoted at 45 days...don't be shy about calling and inquiring. Polite but firm will almost always get you results. You shouldn't worry about calling.

Good luck.
@PlayDoh, I think the process of getting permission to own a firearm is purposely made to be a "jump through the hoops" obstacle course. they don't want people owning firearms, so it's purposely made inefficient and time consuming. just looks how much of a pain it is to own a restricted. which I don't personally want because of all of that BS. there is no fun left to be had. :( I don't want to have to be a member of a range. nor do i want all the hassle for travelling with it. I know many of you have your RPAL because you recognise this, and have a well 2 can play at this game attitude. I commend you that do. but that's not for me.

Personally, I have applied for a normal PAL and:
Application Received on: 2014/04/*
Current Status: Your application has completed initial processing. It is now in progress. Please check the status again at a later date.

I want to call in and inquire as to what's taking so long myself. But I don't want to seem overly anxious about it, and I already called once to ensure that my application was accurate. what would you guys do? wait a bit longer? or give em a call, and if you are, what would you say to them on the phone?

It's not though. If the process was designed to hinder people getting their licenses, then people would not be getting them faster than the website has posted as the turnaround time. It's also not a time consuming process. 12 hours of class time for PAL/RPAL, half an hour to fill the application out, then two calls to the CFC for a total of 13 hours of actual time invested in getting it. License issued in 44 days, only because I delayed the second call to the CFC by a few days.

Call them back and say it's been x amount of days and you were wondering if there is anything holding it up. They an pull it up in real time and push it through right then if it's ready to go. If anything, people's applications are being delayed by the people who are calling and guiding the process along.
I completely agree. I never bothered responding to the guy you quoted, but you took the words out of my mouth. This should not take so long. It should be like you say, and take about as long as a passport. There's no good excuse.

You tell me, when i was checking for my PAL all i did was enter my info and enter it would say "it's being processed or what ever" now you have to use a stupid CG key 3/4 of the time the damn site is down and you cant get any info on where your application is. I'm even starting to wonder if the cops really sent it.:mad:
Dude, they've had your app since April and their turnaround time is quoted at 45 days...don't be shy about calling and inquiring. Polite but firm will almost always get you results. You shouldn't worry about calling.

Good luck.

and whiteoutjeeper too.

TY, maybe I will give them a call on monday then.
Just a reminder for all of you guys trying the CG key with chrome or any other "updated browser"
Keep in mind that our government is retarded so use "EXPLORER" to get in, otherwise it will just tell you that they're down and to try again f:P:
Just a reminder for all of you guys trying the CG key with chrome or any other "updated browser"
Keep in mind that our government is retarded so use "EXPLORER" to get in, otherwise it will just tell you that they're down and to try again f:P:

I used the third party secured log in. Using Firefox on my Mac and it works.
Firefox works fine. Chrome was a hassle but you have to clear cache every ... G...D... time. But as knobs says, Internet EXPLORER is the way to the simple standards of the government.
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