Calgary Shooting Centre BROKEN INTO !!! Oct10/11 - 2012

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Thanks for the update CSC.

Unfortunately some of these changes will make the store a little less user friendly and we apologize in advance for the coming changes.

Thats the way it is. If you've got to tighten down to make sure things are secure, I cant imagine anyone complaining about that.

. . . am I still allowed to play with the Christensen Arms though? :D
When the store re-opens, prices will be higher

And you know these magical words of wisdom how? Why slander the store and what their business approach will be with offhand remarks? If they reopen and their prices are higher, blast away. But until then, give the guys a break. God knows they've had enough speculation.
It's embarrassing to know there's people on this site that actually have the tenacity to nit pick and make the victim in this situation the person at fault. I would LOVE to see these people's firearms security in thier own home. Seriously, the business is being ####ed over, by criminals; scum, and yet instead of supporting the business and remembering that people's livelyhoods are also at stake here, some people just point fingers. It's pathetic.

On a side note, my thoughts go to CSC. I hope it all works out. Please ignore the minuscule minority that feel they need to throw their petty negativity your way. Good luck in catching those bastards.

It is a normal part of CGN to have folks arm chair quarterback every incident. The number of folks that jump to conclusion, make erroneous inferences, get the facts wrong, and otherwise prove to be clueless, yet still have very strong opinions about things that they know nothing about is astounding.

Again we truely appreciate those that have supported us when things went wrong. Thanks again.

We also cannot avoid the fact that we are responsible for the firearms that are in our care. We take that trust seriously and we are doing everything that we can think of to ensure that a similar incident cannot ever occur.

This will not affect prices:rolleyes: It will however likely result in a less attractive, open and welcoming retail environment.
The smiley tells me that it will affect prices.

Well I guess you need to brush up on emoticons. In any event we don't hold a gun to our customers and force them to buy. As before all you need to do is drop by or call and compare prices. We think we are pretty competitive and will remain so. Plus we offer great service.
And when they get caught nothing will happen to them because during their childhood someone stole their Popsicle and the traumatic experience has discombobulated their fratistat ever since. Hope they catch the little pricks.
what are calgary police doing, traffic cams everywhere, i wanna see some charges, dont tell me they cant fig out who was in the area and start checking plates, interviewing people... leg work !
Ok well I thought I'd just toss in a thought or two, but ignore if you feel like it! :p

First things first, theft should never happen. It's a crime, and the people that did this are probably scum, that sell to armed robbers/hoodlum wannabes/etc. So I want to say that I understand that part.

Secondly, Doesn't matter now (speculations/ideas), it all means nothing now. The guns are gone, and I REALLY hope they are recovered (maybe someone stored them all in one spot- that would be lucky).

I also understand that the manner in which they stole the guns, well... there was little that could be done there. Their security was up to standards I assume, but the thieves just went a little higher up (as mentioned before, few things are truly impenetrable in a situation like this).

The one thing that I DO think I agree with, that was a bit controversial ... the guns display cases/etc, should be empty. it is VERY tempting to have all those guns in cases, ready for the smash and grab tactic, like a jewelry store. I like what was said about not having items out in the open (so to speak), but rather in a vault. I know its a tedious extra step, but it's a good one. Just because the firearms were stored legally does not mean it was a good method of storing them, right? (sort of like "it is legal for you to leave a chainsaw on your deck unattended, but not too bright if you have kids around" logic - that's a very bad example, but you get the point hopefully)

One thought; To know that guns are laying around in cases like that requires knowledge of the inside of the store. Chances are that one of the thieves/the thieves had visited the store beforehand to get a good idea of the layout/what is available.
Update - three people have been charged, two in custody and one being sought by police.
We would like to very publicly state that the detectives of the Calgary Police Service were amazing. It is great to see this episode finally coming to an end and we really hope that the courts get it right this time and keep these scumbags behind bars. Apparently Rodrigues was out all of one week before this escapade.
Thanks again to our customers and members who helped us through the dark days.
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