Dlask custom Canadian legal bullpup

Dlask don't get too disheartened by the price shoppers on here. There are those who were saying the $999 for the Type 97 was too much. You can't please such people, those who can afford it and want it will buy it and may be quietly watching this thread.
I'd just like to voice some support for this idea. It would be tough for me to swing 2g's with the wife, but if it took 7.62 Pmags...

I'm surprised people mostly are interested in m14 mags. I'd much prefer something that dropped free with a mag release similar to an AR.

I will offer my two cents too. I look for this bull pup to be in line with teh XCR-M price range so $2,000-$2,600 completed. This may seem a bit high but for a new rifle properly engineered and backed with a Dlask bullet proof type warranty tat would be my price limit.

I do not think the Type 97 is junk but it is worth what they are priced at. The type 97 has no bearing on this new proposed bull pup since we are talking completely different calibers. In most provinces you cannot hunt with 223 so that cuts that markey down quite a bit in my mind. This new bull pup could be used for hunting, shooting at the range, or even shooting competitions with enough tweaking I am sure.

All in all I think the new M14 based bull pup project would be a hit in Canada for sure but of course taht would depend on the configuration for me and weight.
Made in Canada.

Dlask quality is expected and, therefore, they will execute each phase of development as usual. As far as competition its really between Kel Tech and Tavor. The Poly Tech is so cheap everyone is going to buy it no matter what. I feel Dlask will target $1800. At this price Dlask will win over Kel Tech due to quality, same caliber, and being Canadian. I think Dlask would want to price their product with the widest spread possible away from the Tavor. Because, I believe the Tavor is over priced and has room to move if there were competition. For example, if Dlask cost $2200 we would see Tavor pricing drop to $2400 - $2500 or less. Therefore, the real question becomes - will the custom pay an extra $200 - $300 for battle tested reliability and smaller caliber? or in other words - pay $200 - $300 less for larger caliber, Canadian made and no battle tested reliability.

$1000.......Poly-tech T97.....(5.56x45)
$1800......Dlask...............(assume 7.62x51)
$2000.......Kel Tech RPB......(7.62x51)
$2700.......IWI Tavor 21......(5.56x45)

I'm in for $1800.
For example, if Dlask cost $2200 we would see Tavor pricing drop to $2400 - $2500 or less. Therefore, the real question becomes - will the custom pay an extra $200 - $300 for battle tested reliability and smaller caliber? or in other words - pay $200 - $300 less for larger caliber, Canadian made and no battle tested reliability.

That's right, I forgot that the M-14 has never seen a battle field in it's life :rolleyes:.

Remember the basis of the Dlask bullpup action will be the M-14.
I'd be in but you see how much that set up in your pic cost state side. I think the cost may be a little prohibitive to most, but then again we can buy 400 dollar norcs to drop into them..... I'd be interested provided I didn't have to sell my first born.
I like the idea of an all metal Canadian made mass centralized (friendly name for bullpup) carbine. I have a couple of Dlask pieces and his work is excellent. If I had my choice, I'd prefer an SKS drop in receiver kit - similar to the DAR22 idea. The receiver would be integrated into the stock to meet our legislation, and the end user would assemble the rest - perhaps gas system, bolt group and barrel. The 223 market is well represented with a number of MC rifles, and the RFB is an excellent choice in 308. Nothing that I am aware of in Canada in 7.62x39, so it may be a very lucrative niche if it can be pulled off. I've "napkin sketched" a few designs, and have discussed the idea with a very good gunsmith.- the concept is certainly viable.

+1 7.62 x39 ftw!
non-restricted Bullpup in .308 using an M14 (M305) action and I would be in for one at $2K. The only other factor is it would need to be of reasonable weight - 9lbs or less.
I think a Canada-legal bullpup .22 would be a much bigger seller (also a good way to cut your teeth on bullpup designs). It would probably be a hell of a lot easier to export to the US, too ("Sporting purposes", etc).

I'm left-eye dominant, so the entire thing is pretty moot to me unless it can eject left/down/forward, but I support you in the endeavour.
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