New Arrivals: Swiss K31 Carbines in 7.5x55

I just started redoing mine. Spent 4 days sanding it right down. Left the dark spots. I like the way it looked with it being slightly dirty. Used a nice dark stain. On the third coat of linseed oil now. Went from 100 grit, 220, then 400. Smooth as butter. Applied linseed oil by hand. Starting to look real slick.

This was after the sanding and stain. Had to make sure the upper and lower fit properly before doing oil.
Anyone currently selling these? I looked a while ago and found nothing, so I listed the bayonet for sale. If I can find a rifle I'm keeping the bayo.

This was after the sanding and stain. Had to make sure the upper and lower fit properly before doing oil.

I see no picture.

If you fit the hand guard to the stock before working on it the fit will be perfect. Same with the butt plate.
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I just started redoing mine. Spent 4 days sanding it right down. Left the dark spots. I like the way it looked with it being slightly dirty. Used a nice dark stain. On the third coat of linseed oil now. Went from 100 grit, 220, then 400. Smooth as butter. Applied linseed oil by hand. Starting to look real slick.

Is it a walnut stock or a beech stock ?
My understanding is the surplus stock has dried up. Any more that come in will be small batches that have been put together gether from private sales in Switzerland. Expect price to rise accordingly if and when some show up. Surplus GP11 sounds like it's over too.
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