Svt rifles

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What's with all the Marstar bashing on this forum?

Marstar is an honest and reputable supplier. They risk time and capital to import a variety of products for Canadian shooters. Why bite the hand? If you don't like Marstar - then go elsewhere. Many of us have purchased from Marstar several times and have been thrilled with the quality, price, service - and honor of their guarantee when a problem. John has more to do than sit online and answer every question or ethical insinuation - or be immediately vilified by an impatient few.

Is this how we treat our sponsors? Does this disrespect happen also with Canada Ammo, or Wolverine, or Questar, or some of other leading supporters? Probably not, as many corporations might seek legal remedies for some of the publicly published comments.

Lets all man up here. Please stop screaming because someone is not answering your published questions fast enough. Interested in buying? Just pick up the phone and ask your question.
You think these posts might warrant "legal remedies"? .... common man,,,, I agree with most else you posted...
Actualy Im saying that if you order one advertised as a sniper then the worst that can happen is you return it. Big deal. John know his sh@# so i think he can tell the difference between a true sniper model and a regular model. Also why be so surprised John hasnt responded yet? it's the weekend. I imagine he's trying to enjoy himself.
Ok so let see your logic one , then go buy the scope and mount and hey worse comes to worse return the rifle... now if the picture is telling you that it is a sniper or not... I would have to say he doesn't know his sh@#. ( no offence john, just making a point).
Actualy Im saying that if you order one advertised as a sniper then the worst that can happen is you return it. Big deal. Also why be so surprised John hasnt responded yet? it's the weekend. I imagine he's trying to enjoy himself.

He is aware of the question . He has responded to other threads . No one is saying he has to respond this weekend . No one is bashing Marstar.
Most are responding to responses like yours saying if you don't like it send it back . Why should any one take a chance only to return it even if Marstar paid the shipping . I don't order things without knowing what I'm ordering . I'm sure John will eventually respond or someone like you will order one & if it doesn't have the receiver notch be pissed off and start a thread bashing Marstar for advertising them as snipers .
Ok so let see your logic one , then go buy the scope and mount and hey worse comes to worse return the rifle... now if the picture is telling you that it is a sniper or not... I would have to say he doesn't know his sh@#. ( no offence john, just making a point).

John alrady mentioned they were just generic pictures posted. I'm sure that john more than knows that actual parts and what makes it a true sniper. Frankly I would expect anyone who can spend time arguing the differences between the two on here can also tell for themselves i they got the real McCoy or not before buying the mount. If not know immediately id say there are more than enough resources at our disposal on this site alone to verify your item by either posting a photo or analyzing others.
These rifles are not real snipers because Marstar hasn't confirmed if they have the notch.

Until Marstar confirms the notch these rifles have rails no notch therefore they are not snipers.

These rifles are just regular old SVTs with a rail for a scope, That is it that is all
Some svt40's are advertised as rearsenaled excellent plus and some just say rearsenaled..... Perhaps the condition of some rifles are less than the ones stating excellent.
These rifles are not real snipers because Marstar hasn't confirmed if they have the notch.

Until Marstar confirms the notch these rifles have rails no notch therefore they are not snipers.

These rifles are just regular old SVTs with a rail for a scope, That is it that is all

Exactly, just take it from there. If you HAVE to have the sniper, then patiently wait for the reply, or actually call and ask for an in hand description of the rifle that will be sent to you.
And to all of you complaining about the exorbitant Marstar prices for God sake, Marstar is not the only dealer with SVTs and SKSs do some shopping by clicking some sponsors' links and you can grab SVTs for less but you do not have the Marstar guarantee.

So the dilemma we have here is pay more at Marstar for their guarantee and service or save money up to $100+ by buying from a competitor this is the only choice that you have to make if you want an SVT and SKS.

For crying out loud please stop the whining and complaining all that you are doing is advertising Marstar.
All their ex-snipers SVTs are out of stock so I guess they were?( limited number that sold out fast) or did they realize they only had the rails and no notch so they removed them from the site.

To those who don't know up until 1942 most of the SVTs had the rails to accommodate the scope but lacked the retaining notch at the rear of the receiver only true sniper rifles had them. Only around 50 000 snipers were made out of the 1.6 million.

That's what we are inquiring about( not complaining) wether these just had rails or if they had the notch to.
All their ex-snipers SVTs are out of stock so I guess they were?( limited number that sold out fast) or did they realize they only had the rails and no notch so they removed them from the site.

Another scenario exist, as they didn't confirm the notch therefore the rifles weren't snipers and they just declared them out of stock.

Do not forget you confirmed only a small number of snipers were ever made so what are the chances that Marstar landed a batch of notched real snipers?

Having said that, this is all speculation the only people that know these rifles are Marstar and they have been silent on confirming the notches and whether these rifles are real factory snipers
All their ex-snipers SVTs are out of stock so I guess they were?( limited number that sold out fast) or did they realize they only had the rails and no notch so they removed them from the site.

To those who don't know up until 1942 most of the SVTs had the rails to accommodate the scope but lacked the retaining notch at the rear of the receiver only true sniper rifles had them. Only around 50 000 snipers were made out of the 1.6 million.

That's what we are inquiring about( not complaining) wether these just had rails or if they had the notch to.

Good morning;
It would appear that our mistake was not putting up specific detailed pictures, however that is now irrelevant as an off shore dealer was happy to pick them all up as there were not that many (just under 50)

Some had the "notch" some did not, ALL had the correct serial number prefixes indicating sniper versions.
I hope this addresses all the theories and questions put forth here.
Good morning;
It would appear that our mistake was not putting up specific detailed pictures, however that is now irrelevant as an off shore dealer was happy to pick them all up as there were not that many (just under 50)

Some had the "notch" some did not, ALL had the correct serial number prefixes indicating sniper versions.
I hope this addresses all the theories and questions put forth here.


Better get your flame suit on!!!! Here comes the Marstar bashing in 3..2..1..
Good morning;
It would appear that our mistake was not putting up specific detailed pictures, however that is now irrelevant as an off shore dealer was happy to pick them all up as there were not that many (just under 50)

Some had the "notch" some did not, ALL had the correct serial number prefixes indicating sniper versions.
I hope this addresses all the theories and questions put forth here.

Serial prefix means nothing, the notch means everything. What dealer? Maybe I could buy one back.
I respectfully suggest you do a little research on the numbering and marking of this version....

Like this threads first pistol...

Greetings to all!
I'm making a research about SVT sniper rifles. And I think this board is a right place to gather additional information about sniper rifle serials.
As many of you know, SVT sniper rifles were officially produced at plant #314 in Tula (March-September 1941), and at plant #314 in Mednogorsk (March - October 1942).
All sniper rifles were groupped in letter prefixes. But approach to SVT sniper rifles production in 1941 and 1942 was a different.
1941 snipers mostly were marked with C mark at the right side of the reciever. But some correct sniper rifles are missing this C mark.
All 1941 snipers had numeric prefixes less than xx 2000. Regular rifles can have sniper prefixes, but numeric prefix will be higher than 2000. There is one exception - in one known sniper prefix, НБ, few regular rifles are known with numeric prefix less than 2000. I don't know why this happened, but I have one assumption. I have another research about conformity of letter prefix and production month, and presumably НБ prefix rifles were produced at the beginning of July, just after war beginning, and it could cause some problems
Barrels for 1941 sniper rifles were produced separately. Mounts were attached to rifle at the factory, and stamped with full rifle serial number
1942 snipers are also grouped in prefixes, but regular and sniper rifles are mixed randomly in one prefix. All 1942 snipers don't had C proofmark at the right side of the receiver. There was no separate production of sniper barrels in 1942, when plant #314 was located in Mednogorsk. Best barrels were selected and used at sniper rifles. 1942 mounts were stamped only with numeric prefix.

So here is list sniper rifles that are currently known to me. Please add serials that you know.

Serial numbers of sniper SVT's produced at factory #314 (Tula\Mednogorsk)

ЖБ 310
ЖБ 398
ЖБ 410 mount
ЖБ 535
ЖБ 94х mount
ЖБ 1034 mount
ЖБ 1075 mount
ЖБ 1395
ЖК 343 NIPSVO test rifle
ЖК 1284
ИБ 1061 mount
ИБ 1263
ИБ 1526
ИБ 1863
ИК 349
ИК 475
ИК 9хх mount
ИК 900
ИК 923
ИК 12xx
ИК 1400
ИК 1503 mount
ИМ 666 mount
ЛБ 513
ЛБ 865
ЛБ 1842
ЛБ 1968
ЛК 1335 mount
ЛК 1497 mount
ЛК 1892 mount
ЛК 1989
НА 483 mount
НА 6хх
НА 692
НА 1374
НБ 320
НБ 963
НБ 1863
НВ 1391
НВ 1660 (no C proofmark)
НЖ 140
НЖ 1339 mount
НЖ 1649 (no C proofmark)
НЖ 1754 mount
НЖ 1936 mount
НИ 3хх mount
НИ 1260
НИ 1269
НИ 1301
ПА 801
ПВ 273 mount
ПВ 663
СА 650 (no C proofmark)
СА 810
СА 863
СА 1645 mount
СБ х12 mount
СБ 350
СБ 1843
СВ 181 mount
СВ 372 mount
СВ 1063
СВ 1ххх
СВ 1753
СГ 143
СГ 747
СГ 1163
СГ 1845 mount
СГ 1889 mount
СИ 350
ТБ 246 mount
ТБ 267
ТБ 377
ТВ 116 don't have C proofmark

1942 (all don't have C proofmark)
ДГ 3450
НА 7403
НБ 104 NIPSVO test rifle
НБ 1757 NIPSVO test rifle
НБ 2625 NIPSVO test rifle
НБ 5125
НБ 6972
НБ 7396 NIPSVO test rifle
НВ 1322
HB 2945 NIPSVO test rifle
HB 6329
СА 2421
СА 3492
CA 6693
СА 7030
СБ 4379
СБ 7099
СБ 7321
СБ 7770
СВ 520
СГ 111х
ФВ 3883 unusual notch ???
ФВ 7149

ХХ 2851 mount
ХХ 3285 mount
XX 5115 mount
ХХ 7238 mount museum, Kiev

As noted in the bold text, regular and sniper versions were mixed together in 1942 with the same prefixes, in 1941 some were marked with a C and some were not.

Prefixes alone do not make a sniper in all years.
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It is sad to know that when Marstar makes a rare purchase (sniper SVT-40), they ignore the Canadians that keep them in business in favour of a quick overseas sale. I'll remember it the next time I make a purchase...
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