To those T97NSR owners with a barrel "gouge"

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I am sooo happy i didnt jump on the bandwagon and buy one of these. With that said though i do feel bad for the people that did and NS should be ashamed of themselves by that total BS explanation they gave. I dont give a rats ass who built it as when i purchase something brand new i expect it to be brand new with no DEFECTS. This GOUGE is in fact a DEFECT and NS should offer a full refund or at the very least offer the people somekind of refund. I for one will never be buying anything imported by them anymore as they have shown their true colors of not giving a rats ass about their customers. Can you say IRUNGUNS!!!!
Friends who have purchased these also had the barrel scratch but no problem with accuracy. The question comes down to this, if the accuracy is not effected and there is no safety issues, what is the problem? Is it just the idea that there is a gouge that bothers people? If they never had even looked everyone would still be tickled pink. These guns are 40% of the cost of the nearest equivillent (Tavor), a simmilliar percentage as most Norinco to Western made gun. If compare my SR1911 to my norinco 1911 I would have to say I got completely ripped off by the Norinco, but hey you buy Norinco and that is how it works. If the gun shoots fine then stop complaining about it. This reminds me of the people who complain about the dented soup cans and want a discount.
Auto industry has recalled millions of cars for potential risk. Why should we be treated differently?

A simple question: how deep do those hole go? Are we sure 100% none of them are too deep?

Whoever is confident with Chinese quality can keep their rifle. But there should be a refund option there.
Some ppl need to spend more time practicing their skill and have fun with a rifle, any rifle, rather than looking down some gas hole all day.

Motor vehicle recalls are usually caused by critical defect like brake control issues that leave drivers helpless at 100km/h and the those issues usually cause fatal accidents. A tiny gouge in a gun barrel wll affect nothing. it s not a big a deal, it is not as nearly as dangerous as loosing control of your car on highway. And this is the difference between whining and auto recalls

Simple solution here is to close your computer for a moment, take the t97 to the range and HAVE FUN.
Some ppl need to spend more time practicing their skill and have fun with a rifle, any rifle, rather than looking down some gas hole all day.

Motor vehicle recalls are usually caused by critical defect like brake control issues that leave drivers helpless at 100km/h and the those issues usually cause fatal accidents. A tiny gouge in a gun barrel wll affect nothing. it s not a big a deal, it is not as nearly as dangerous as loosing control of your car on highway. And this is the difference between whining and auto recalls

Simple solution here is to close your computer for a moment, take the t97 to the range and HAVE FUN.

So hows about I punch some pin holes in the paint job of your brand new car and tell you not to worry, its ok, it drives just fine.
The bigger question is the lackadaisical attitude of the Chinese- first sending converted autos and then this shoddy QC. They don't care about the impact on the user or businesses. And for the record I'm not a 'Norc hater.'
So hows about I punch some pin holes in the paint job of your brand new car and tell you not to worry, its ok, it drives just fine.

Did you just compare a Norinco to a Brand new car? There is the problem right there, you expect to have cheep price and quality in one package. Now if you said punch holes in a KIA on the inside of the hood in a place you have to take #### apart to notice the hole, that would be a bit more of a close comparison.
Did you just compare a Norinco to a Brand new car? There is the problem right there, you expect to have cheep price and quality in one package. Now if you said punch holes in a KIA on the inside of the hood in a place you have to take #### apart to notice the hole, that would be a bit more of a close comparison.

Ha! Ya, so much hyperbole on this thread...

I was just thinking of a Kia analogy myself:

What is a reasonable amount of righteous indignation to have re: paint that has a slight orange-peely finish - new Kia vs. new Mercedes?
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Guys this gouge issue doesn't affect safety, accuracy or function it would probably affect durability of the barrel but that still has to be proven just clean and lubricate after every range trip and you should be able to enjoy your rifles for years to come.

I had hoped that NS would replace our barrels but that is not going to happen as it is cost prohibitive and the manufacturer doesn't seem to want to pay for it so get over it, Just clean and lubricate.
I'm going to temporarily lock this thread until the hysteria cools down a bit.

I personally inspected over a dozen T97 rifles yesterday. Nothing even close to a "gouge" was found. One and a repeat "ONE" of the rifles has the slightest scratch on the rifling underneath the gas port. Nothing to worry about.

I think the word "gouge" has been thrown around way too liberally.

We are working on the solution with the factory to address to the issues of anyone who has a legitimate "gouge" in their barrel. I will reopen the thread once this is finalized.

That being said, I've personally yet to see one, and I don't know anyone personally that has.

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