NEA/BCL 102 FAQ Thread

Hi guys, I have a question about BCLs and replacing their buffer tubes. For some back story I have a BCL that is one of the newer generation but not a mk7. I fired approx 75 rounds with the gun stock and really enjoyed it but wanted to do something about the buttstock. I decided to replace it with the ACE AFRX stock that I had around. I think its fantastic for me now. Had it out on the weekend and shot 20 Barnoul steel case rounds through it without problem. Opened it up to clean it today and noticed markings on the lower where the buffer tube screws into the lower. From some further inspection I found that was the BCG rails slamming into that surface and deforming it. I currently have the stock buffer and spring in the gun. I believe it is a carbine buffer and the spring is approx 12" in length. I do not have a longer spring to try out in the gun but from what I have been reading that around 12 is the standard length for rifle length springs. I have a rifle length buffer that will not let the bcg travel all the way rearward to engage the bolt catch.

My question to you experts is this: Is there a correct buffer and spring combo I should use to make this work? Should I just suck it up and use the stock setup? Should I shim the buffer tube with quarters and accept more felt recoil?
Thanks guys

Edit I see TNA has a A1/A2 buffer spring that is 13"/14" long, should I try that first?
Second edit: TNA also has a rifle length 308 buffer that is shorter than an ar 15 rifle length to make up for the longer bcg in the BCL, I'm going to go with that
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