New Rules for powder sales

Ridiculous of course butbi have a question.

The PAL must be recorded when purchasing propellant but therebis no mention here about volume.
Does that mean that the volume of propellant purchased is NOT recorded? Or doesnt have to be?
WTF - all the Bad guys who reloaded there own Ammo to commit crimes are gonna be now STOPPED ! With out a Pal they can no longer get powder and primers to load there own and also with out a Pal they cannot purchase ammo so All FIREARM crimes will now be stopped in its tracks .d:h:
The Turd libs got it all figured out ! What a clever bunch they are . f:P:

Glad to see they clamped down on those black powder Dudes too ! They were going on Rabid crime streaks with those smoke poles . :rolleyes: JMO RJ
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