scored a P80 from last shipment. Order went through on June 25. ( ordered from MB) whats the turnaround times looking like atm for approvals?
Month + + if your lucky now it seems.
scored a P80 from last shipment. Order went through on June 25. ( ordered from MB) whats the turnaround times looking like atm for approvals?
Re:waiting for Transfers, as of this morning by our calculations, just short of 100,000 transfers have been started since the Trudumb made the announcement at end of May, so to put this in perspective, in all of 2021 about 130,000 transfers were initiated.
What's the best way to reach out to you guys to get the ref number for my frame?
Any optic ready compacts coming?
Not as complete firearm, but have more frames and assembled enhanced optic ready compact slides.
So it looks like the current shipment on its way will more than likely be the last, hopefully it gets across the border before the soon to be announce order in council.
Does the ban include parts? Looking for a slide for frame that I'm waiting on.
Send us an email to and we will send you your transfer reference number so that you can contact Manitoba CFOWhat purchase/transfer initiated dates are you guys seeing going through atm? Ordered A pistol on Jun 24th (shipping to Manitoba) just wondering what the timelines are looking like at atm.