
CGN Ultra frequent flyer
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Updated in post #18

So another holiday season, another project. This time its my Sig Cross that got some attention :). I saw the new sig handguard grip was sold out everywhere, so i thought to make my own.. i had a nice slab of red oak laying around for a while, i decided to use that. I know its not the best type of wood for gun stock, i figured i'd try. I also decided to make a custom pistol grip with palm rest that would fit my hand well.. here is the result. It feels great, still relatively light, ergonomic and it has this retro flare to it that i really like.
Let me know your thoughts, i know its not for everyone :) flame suite is on. Enjoy !!






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Love the concept, and I honestly appreciate the skills involved.

What I'd change though:
- The wood needs a darker stain and a matt oiled finish to blend and compliment the rest of the rifles design and 'vibe' - 'think form equals function'
- Checkered or textured handguard ~ ala FG42 and M1918 BAR.
- I'd keep but minimize the foregrip hand stop and pistol grip palm swell - they look out of place and are too bulky. imho.
Nice work! I personally would forego the finger grooves and the palmrest, but those are just personal details.

Now, to complete the look and hopefully the about replacing the simple black plastic cheekpiece with a matching wood piece using the same adjustable hardware? Maybe even dished out a bit on top. :)
great work. I agree with jjohnwm, the rear stock needs some attention to tie everything together.

What are you running for an optic? l have been looking at optics for my cross. Something suitable for the size and weight of the rifle.
First of all, Happy new year everyone !!!
Thanks guys, yes i agree the palm rest is a bit too big, i do like the finger grooves though. I am also thinking to make the handguard a bit slimmer, but i'll leave the front handstop as it is, its very comfortable.
As for the finish, i wanted to try a light color stain so the grain is more visible. I am sure i will try other options down the road..
My original idea included a matching cheek rest and bottom mag plate as well.. i might still do it down the road.
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I think it’s awesome. I work with wood for a living and can appreciate the time you’ve obviously spent. Kudos and happy new year
great work. I agree with jjohnwm, the rear stock needs some attention to tie everything together.

What are you running for an optic? l have been looking at optics for my cross. Something suitable for the size and weight of the rifle.

i am using Leica ER 2.5-10x42, it fits this gun very well and still weighs just under 8lb as you see it in the pic. I dont usually shoot it farther than 200-250 meters so 2-10x is perfect. I know this model is discontinued, but newer ERi model is available thats same size/weight
Whoa . Well it doesn't look like BLACK ASSAULT STYLE RIFLE by the definition of the woke Liberal's. I.e. remove the colour of BLACK and mysteriously its definition now becomes a gun of no interest to ban.
OK, so few more modifications are made. I sanded all the finish down, made a handguard a bit slimmer, significantly reduced the palm rest on the pistol grip, and made a cheek rest out of the same material.. Then i use "shousugibon" method on the finish to bring up tne grain lines.. in orher words torched the wood slightly :) . After that everything got stained and laquered again and it looks really nice.




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