The new NR NoDak Spud NDS 18SC


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The NoDak Spud NDS 18 SC FRT 196206

This is a joint project between the owners of NoDak Spud, PWS (Primary Weapons Systems) and IRUNGUNS. NoDak Spud will be supplying the Non Restricted billet lower receiver, PWS will be supplying the upper receiver. Both Mike from NDS and Dean from PWS are extremely talented and renowned in the industry for introducing amazing top shelf products.

The prototype is well balanced and cycles flawlessly. The quality from these manufacturers speaks for itself.

There is nothing in the Canadian market that will rival this platform.

Details will be released over the week.

The rifle will come with an Ace pig nose adaptor which will allow you to interface with any Milspec or Commercial buffer tube. You will also be able to use a folding stock adaptor for the guys that want to deck it out.

The rifle will also use standard AR-15 fire controls so the upgrade potential on the lower will be virtually unlimited.

Say tuned!!!
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PWS designed (and maybe manufactures?) the BRN-180 uppers for Brownells. This will be a solid rifle, just don't expect it to be "cheap", in cost or quality, like the WK-180. I'm guessing this will be around $2k CAD.
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