Firearms reform rumored release this week.

I don’t need a buyout, negotiate green cards for the restricted firearms owners. Then we could take our net worth, homes and businesses with us. I’m so over this country.

I'll take part in a buyback. They can have all my guns for the low, low price of $1 million and a US passport. Bet you I wouldn't even have to change employers...sometimes it's nice working for a multinational.
All, I saw this floating around for potential bans - not sure of legitimacy. You can probably expect the AR-15 to be there too.


CZ 858
Ruger Mini-14
Ruger Mini-30
Dominion Arms SOCOM 18 (M14 Clone)
Polytechnologies M305 (M14 Clone)
Polytechnologies M1A (M14 Clone)
Swiss Arms Blue Star Rifle
FAMAE SG540 Rifle
Ruger 10/22 Rifle (WTF?!!)
Ruger 22 Charger Pistol
Russian SKS Carbine
US M1 Carbine
Trudeau just gave away 9 billion dollars in a blink of an eye to students who will be forever grateful to him and will continue to vote for him and the Liberal party for generations to come, so to do a buyback that would cost a few billion dollars won't hurt him politically at all, unfortunately.

I'm certainly never voting for him, but I'll gladly take that student benefit and buy a VZ 58 if I can.
So, being new to the site I'm not sure where to make a post asking about this. If this does happen and they ban AR-15 pattern rifles, being that the lower is the only section classified as a firearm, would it be legal to turn in just the lower and keep the rest?
All, I saw this floating around for potential bans - not sure of legitimacy. You can probably expect the AR-15 to be there too.


CZ 858
Ruger Mini-14
Ruger Mini-30
Dominion Arms SOCOM 18 (M14 Clone)
Polytechnologies M305 (M14 Clone)
Polytechnologies M1A (M14 Clone)
Swiss Arms Blue Star Rifle
FAMAE SG540 Rifle
Ruger 10/22 Rifle (WTF?!!)
Ruger 22 Charger Pistol
Russian SKS Carbine
US M1 Carbine

I hope that they were stupid enough to put Ruger 10/22.... it will get all the old Fudds off their asses and get them chirping at the government too.
So, being new to the site I'm not sure where to make a post asking about this. If this does happen and they ban AR-15 pattern rifles, being that the lower is the only section classified as a firearm, would it be legal to turn in just the lower and keep the rest?

Nobody knows . They might include all parts related to Ar15 variants .

Game over ?
I'm betting it's going to be these models:

- CZ 858 tactical
- Ruger Mini-14
- Ruger Mini-30
- DA M305
- Poly M305
- Springfield M1A
- Swiss Arms Blue Star
- Famae SG540
- Ruger 10/22
- Russian SKS (distinct from Chinese SKS which probably make up 90% of all SKSs)
- M1 Carbine

Coincidentally, these are 11 firearms from the RCMP report that came out after the Moncton shooting as being easily converted to full-auto. That would explain why the LPC continually mixes up assault weapon and assault rifle. I'm betting that's their angle.

They can't ban the AR-15 because it's restricted by legislation and OIC can't change legislation. This is also why they can't do a feature ban because semi-auto is specified in legislation as non-restricted unless barrel length is less than 440mm.

Bill mentioned legislation will come at a later time, hopefully never cuz they'll be kicked out (unlikely, lets not kid ourselves).
I'm certainly never voting for him, but I'll gladly take that student benefit and buy a VZ 58 if I can.

Good for you and I know there are a lot of folks like you but he just needs to convince the majority of the students to solidify his political position.
There is some speculation that the 11 models are the 11 the RCMP tested and deemed to be easily convertable to full automatic. I have no idea if its true but over on Reddit they are talking about it and have some documents that may tell us more.

For example he is the list from the report of 11 models.

And here is an article about the report.

Using that list it's the following

Ruger mini 14
Ruger mini 30
Springfield m1a
Norinco M305
Swiss arms
Famae sg540
Ruger 10/22
Ruger Charger
M1 Carbine.

But I find it hard to believe the ar15 wont be on it.
So what are we going to do about this.
Just sit at wait? Or should we be pro active and do something about it! They have to hear our voice loud and clear! Who will lead us? Do we have a politician / leader with bolls!
Immigration to USA suspended at this time. I am going to check if there's any exceptions to certain skills/professions that they do not have a sufficient supply of for their needs.
Ultimately I agree with you. I have no wish to grow old, pay more taxes to, and die in this 5h!th0l3 country.

But why wouldn't you want to live in the world's first "post-national state" with "no core identity"?
I think a point to make is that most of those are non restricted meaning they have no clue who owns them. It would be next to impossible to buy back.
Looks like we are going to go from being treated like criminals to actually being criminals. The good part is we don't get treated any worse.
I hope that they were stupid enough to put Ruger 10/22.... it will get all the old Fudds off their asses and get them chirping at the government too.

Lol same... maybe they'll finally feel threatened. I was going to buy a 10/22 last month, but ended up getting a handgun instead. Phew.
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