They got people excited about a gun, and now we can't get said gun. How is disappointing a bunch of people good advertising?
Exactly. At least they're trying to bring in cool stuff for us. Kudos to Marstar, even though the current outcome isn't what we all hoped for.
IMO, the more shooting sports items that have been engineered specifically to utilize loop holes circumnavigating current firearms laws that we can acquire, the better! If only to puss off the anti's.
Guns, parts, un-machined receivers and other semi-machined components that we can customize to make useable, are unexploited options. By making available to the retail market, any "components" that can be, or have been modified to make use of current legal loop holes, could be of benefit to many of us.
It is time to re-think guns, parts, and our shooting sports, and to invent items that have a dual purpose...... like a construction nail gun that just happens to have engineered components that can be "adapted" for other "uses". Or, how about a hydraulic pump that utilizes what is in essence, a FCU, or part of a FCU.......??
Model hobbyist toys, robotic parts, etc etc...... the possibilities to manufacture dual purpose components, is almost endless.
It's time to think "outside of the box" and to colour outside of the lines. Invent the unassuming. Invent the nefarious but legal. By the time said item gets outlawed or banned, two more of the same versions will have already been "invented" and made available to all.
Who ever said that gun components *must* be available from or manufactured for firearms only?? Dual purpose.